


【作者】 李光敏黄卓龚建音

【Author】 LI Guang-min1,HUANG Zhuo2,GONG Jian-yin1 (1.Sanming College,Sanming,365004,China;2.Nanchang University,Nanchang,330029,China)

【机构】 三明高等专科学校体育系南昌大学体育系三明高等专科学校体育系 福建三明365004江西南昌330029福建三明365004

【摘要】 力量举重项目对许多人来讲既陌生又刺激 ,普及和推广这项运动很有必要。通过对力量举重的起源、现状与发展的探索 ,结果表明 :力量举重运动在欧美等国很流行 ,美国尤甚 ,而国内仍然还处于起步阶段。要改变这种落后的局面 ,应注意宣传力度、企业参与和投入、鼓励女性参加这项运动。

【Abstract】 It is very nesseary to popularize weight lifting,as it is unfamiliar and exciting to most of the people,this article reviews the origin,present situation and development of weight lifting,it is concluded that weight lifting is very popular in European countries,and the USA,especially the latter,but in China,it is still in beginning stage. To change this backward situation lies in conducting propaganda,paticipating and investing of enterprises,and encouraging female to take part in it.

【关键词】 力量举重素质训练健美锻炼
【Key words】 weight liftingoriginpresent situationdevelopment
  • 【分类号】G884.3
  • 【下载频次】100